There are so many different reasons for infertility, in both men and
women, that it’s impossible to use a blanket term to cover everything.
Instead, it’s important to look at various things that could affect your
chances of conceiving and consider what diagnosis suits your own
personal situation.
- Ovarian Cysts
Ovarian cysts are small fluid-filled sacs that develop in the ovaries. In
most cases, they’re completely harmless, but they can rupture and
cause tremendous pain. If a ruptured cyst is left untreated, it can form
sepsis, which is quite toxic and potentially lethal.
Of course, the presence of ovarian cysts can also interfere with normal
Most medical specialists will recommend that any cysts be removed
surgically, which can be a painful and expensive procedure. What
they don’t tell you is that it’s possible to reduce ovarian cysts
naturally and painlessly.
- ‘Lazy’ Ovaries
Some specialists will diagnose ‘lazy’ ovaries as a cause of infertility.
This simply means an egg isn’t being released when it should, so
they’ll tend to prescribe infertility drugs, such as Clomid, to induce
Unfortunately, studies in Washington have proved that the number of
women who had taken Clomid are three times more likely to develop
ovarian cancer than those who don’t.
Once again, these specialists forget to let you know there are ways to
stimulate and induce ovulation using natural methods. Of course,
when you consider that the infertility drug industry is now a billion
dollar industry, why would they want you to know you could do it
- PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome)
Poly cystic Ovarian Syndrome is the term given when many small
cysts are apparent within the ovaries. PCOS is thought to be one of
the leading causes of female infertility. In some cases, this can be
linked to obesity, acne, increased insulin resistance, lack of ovulation
and sometimes an excess of masculinity hormones.
Of course, this doesn’t mean every patient who has acne or who is
obese will have PCOS. Similarly, patients who have ovarian cysts
may not have PCOS.
Similarly, patients showing an excess of masculinity hormones may
show unwanted facial and body hair growth as well as developing
acne, but they also may not have PCOS.
Correct diagnosis can sometimes be difficult, but treatment can be
relatively easy with prescription of a dietary supplement known as
DCI, which is a naturally occurring human metabolite that helps with
insulin metabolism.
- Endometriosis
Endometriosis is the medical name given when the uterine lining that
would normally shed as part of a regular monthly menstrual cycle
grows on the outside of the uterus instead of inside. This is a major
cause of infertility in women.
Endometriosis can cause very painful menstrual periods, as well as
heavy bleeding and can be responsible for repeated miscarriages.
Infertility Specialists recommend laparoscopic surgery to remove the
endometrial lining and any abnormal tissue, however, there are plenty
of alternative natural therapies available to remedy this problem.
There are plenty of success stories from patients with endometriosis
using traditional Chinese medicine, including traditional herbalism
and acupuncture.
- Fallopian Tube Blockages
Blocked or damaged Fallopian tubes are thought to account for up to
40% of female infertility problems. Blocked tubes will prevent eggs
reaching the uterus and prevent sperm from reaching the egg. In most
cases, women have no idea their tubes might be blocked, as there are
generally no obvious symptoms to look for. Blocked Fallopian tubes
are generally diagnosed by pelvic ultrasound, although a
hysterosalpinogram may also be used, in which a dye is placed into
the cervix before x-raying the pelvic region.
There are two types of blocked tubes – partial blockage and
A partial blockage may be a result of endometrial lining closing off a
portion of the tube, which can result in a tubal pregnancy, or ectopic
pregnancy. A hydrosalpinx is when the tube is completely blocked
and begins to fill with fluid, which makes the tube dilate and swell as
it fills. If both tubes are affected, the chances of conceiving are zero.
The predominant causes of blocked tubes are a history of Pelvic
Inflammatory Disease, Chlamydia, ruptured appendix, endometriosis
or other type of uterine infection.
Infertility specialists will advise that laparoscopic surgery is required
to unblock the affected tubes, however this can cause further scarring
in some cases. In the case of a hydrosalpinx, a specialist may advise
that a hydrosalpingectomy is required, which is complete removal of
the dilated fallopian tube. This destroys any chance of falling
pregnant naturally in future and the patient becomes dependent on
IVF treatments if further children are wanted.
Once again, there are plenty of non-surgical options available to help
unblock damaged fallopian tubes. Alternative therapies that include
manual physical therapy have also shown positive results.
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